Spectrum Orthotics
Spectrum Orthotics
Spectrum Orthotics & Prosthetics is committed to providing each person the highest level of excellence in service & products!
Orthotics (Bracing)
Orthotics, commonly called braces, are devices used to correct, support or replace musculoskeletal functions lost as a result of injury or congenital irregularity. We use the latest in high tech, lightweight components incorporated into precision fitting orthoses to achieve the best possible fit available. We also employ microprocessor technologies, when appropriate.

Custom Fit / Custom Designed Bracing
Spectrum specializes in orthotics for the lower limbs, knees and feet, the upper limbs and hands and the entire spine, and our expertise extends from pediatric to adult to geriatric bracing. Many orthoses are available from orthotic manufacturers, and come in a range of standard sizes and shapes. Some may be fitted directly to the patient with a minimum of adjustment; others require careful and very specific customization to adjust them to fit your specific body contours and size. Alternatively, your physician may prescribe a completely custom-designed orthosis to specifically address your needs. Spectrum’s certified practitioners are experienced and well qualified to fit and fabricate these custom devices as well. In either case, it is important that your orthosis be fitted for you by a trained and qualified professional orthotist. Look for an orthotist who is familiar with the various orthotic designs available and the different fitting processes for each – and who pursues continuing education in this area to keep him – or herself current with the very latest and most modern designs and techniques. Orthosis is a device that is externally applied to a part of the body to improve function by:
In some cases, it is necessary to design and fabricate a custom orthosis for a specific need. The Orthotist custom fits an off-the-shelf device to the patient’s dimensions, or incorporates additional components to achieve the desired results. An orthosis may be worn temporarily until a weakness or injury is overcome, or on a permanent basis to facilitate impaired function due to a congenital or degenerative condition or debilitating injury.
Benefits of using a custom orthoses include:
Lower Extremity Orthotics
Spinal Orthotics
Cervical Orthotics
Foot Orthoses